Technical and Material Prerequisites

Hardware Requirements:

Devices capable of running Microsoft Teams.

Software Requirements:

Latest version of Microsoft Teams.

Network Requirements:

Stable internet connection.

Domain Names to Validate:

For optimal network security and performance, ensure that the following domain names are accessible from your network:

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Integration with Entra ID, Formerly Azure Active Directory (AAD) for user authentication.

Service Account Requirements:

Must be able to sign-in interactively.

  • Must have at least an active Office 365 E1 license.
  • Must have an active license to Microsoft Teams, Exchange Online and SharePoint Online. 
  • Must be assigned at least the Teams Administrator role.
  • Active Azure AD P1 license if sensitivity labels are defined in your templates.

Required Permissions for the Service Account:

Permission Type Description Admin Consent Required
openid Delegated Allows nBold to sign-in a user. No
offline_access Delegated Allows nBold to retrieve a refresh token for the current user. No
email Delegated Allows nBold to read the email address of the current user. No
profile Delegated Allows nBold to read the basic profile (name, picture, user name) of the current user. No

Permission Type Description Admin Consent Required
openid Delegated Allows nBold to sign-in a user. No
offline_access Delegated Allows nBold to retrieve a refresh token for the current user. No
email Delegated Allows nBold to read the email address of the current user. No
profile Delegated Allows nBold to read the basic profile (name, picture, user name) of the current user. No
User.ReadBasic.All Delegated Allows nBold to retrieve the list of users from the directory. No
Team.ReadBasic.All Delegated Allows nBold to retrieve the list of teams a user is a member of. No
Channel.ReadBasic.All Delegated Allows nBold to retrieve the list of channels from the teams a user is a member of. No
Mail.Send Delegated Allows the service account to send approval emails. No
User.Read.All Delegated Allows the service account to search for users in the directory. Yes
Directory.AccessAsUser.All Delegated Allows the app to have the same access to directory information as the signed-in user. Yes
Group.ReadWrite.All Delegated Allows the service account to perform administrative operations on teams/groups. Yes
Team.Create Delegated Allows the service account to create new teams. Yes
TeamSettings.ReadWrite.All Delegated Allows the service account to retrieve and update teams settings. Yes
TeamsAppInstallation.ReadWriteForTeam Delegated Allows the service account to install apps in a team. Yes
TeamMember.ReadWrite.All Delegated Allows the service account to manage members of teams. Yes
TeamsTab.ReadWrite.All Delegated Allows the service account to create and manage tabs. Yes
Channel.Create Delegated Allows the service account to create and manage channels. Yes
ChannelSettings.ReadWrite.All Delegated Allows the service account to manage channel settings. Yes
ChannelMember.ReadWrite.All Delegated Allows the service account to manage channel members. Yes
ChannelMessage.Read.All Delegated Read teams channels messages as part of the provisioning process. Yes
ChannelMessage.ReadWrite Delegated Update an existing message. Yes
ChannelMessage.Send Delegated Create a new team channel message. Yes
Sites.FullControl.All Delegated Used to perform administrative operations on SharePoint sites. Yes
Notes.ReadWrite.All Delegated Allows the service account to copy OneNote notebooks. No
Reports.Read.All Delegated Used to gather statistics about teams, channels, and users. Yes
ReportSettings.Read.All Delegated Used to determine if the Microsoft 365 reports are using anonymized IDs. Yes
InformationProtectionPolicy.Read Delegated Allows the service account to retrieve and apply sensitivity labels. No
Notifications.ReadWrite.CreatedByApp Delegated Used to send and manage native Microsoft Teams notifications. No
People.Read Delegated Generate a ranked list of relevant people for the signed-in user. No