We are proud to announce that we have rebranded! After several years of leading the way as SalesTim, we’ve evolved into nBold.
nBold embodies our identity and the core of our value. It reflects our commitment and loyalty to the community we serve.
How we started

At the beginning we saw ourselves as a practical tool within Microsoft Teams that enhances the use of the platform. Our main focus was on the productivity of sales and the integration of Microsoft Teams + Salesforce.
However, after getting feedback from our customers and partners, we realized that our product was far more than that. Project teams were delivering numerous projects in a more efficient way, sales deals were closed much faster, and all other collaboration processes became more consistent across the organization. The idea of changing our identity became evident.
Why nBold?
Our vision is to help organizations accomplish collaborative work at scale. We create a(n) unlimited number of workspaces for any collaboration process to achieve maximum operational efficiency. We empower bold organizations and its people take solid steps toward operational excellence through collaboration.
nBold is the collaboration process technology that drives productivity at scale, fueled by collaboration templates, collaboration governance, and 3rd party app integrations.
nBold allows organizations to create Collaboration Templates for any scenario: Project Management, Sales Deal Room, Account Management, Crisis Response, Onboarding process, etc. You can translate any execution playbook into a collaboration workspace. It drives collaboration consistency and efficiency at scale.
A new name, a new logo and refreshed resources are the first steps on our journey – expect more to come! In the meantime, check out our new website and all the exciting content we prepared for you at https://nboldapp.com
A new face but with the same body of enthusiastic people committed to helping our community, creating innovative new technologies that bring productive collaborative experiences to the next level.
We are thrilled to be sharing these changes with you and we’d like to thank you for embarking with us on this exciting journey.
Feel free to reach out if you wish to share your thoughts with us. We’d absolutely love to hear from you.
SalesTim nBold Team