nBold and Elior Supercharge Microsoft Inspire on main stage πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

Microsoft has a huge ecosystem, with more than 64 000 partners all over the world, it makes the biggest in the world. The business driven by Microsoft for partners is significative at more than 9$ billion for cloud activities last fiscal year and it’s increasing so fast! Microsoft Inspire gathers thousands of partners from 130 countries in Las Vegas this week.

Incredibly enough, SalesTim has been selected with 2 other partners to be featured on the main stage, during the Microsoft Inspire Core note by Garviella Schuster, Corporate Vice President for partners at Microsoft! We’re both humbled and excited by this!

SalesTim with its Adoption and Governance Engine is being recognized as one of the innovative solutions around Microsoft Teams and this is an incredible honor. We’re very excited to be featured on stage with one of our customers, Elior Group. Check out the Video!

Elior is one of the world’s leading operators in contract catering, concession catering, and support services has become a benchmark player in the business & industry, education, healthcare and travel markets. Elior’s mission is to feed and cares for people, every moment in life. They serve around 6 million guests every day, through 132 000 employees in 15 countries. As digital technologies are now ubiquitous, in every breaks time, Elior is engaged in a large digital transformation to better serve every day their customer. Elior has chosen Office 365 to support its digital transformation and is now adopting more and more Microsoft Teams.


Elior has started its journey to Microsoft Teams with adoption kits, internal events and a key network of ambassadors. As Microsoft Teams usage is rising, Elior Group team got many feedbacks on how Microsoft Teams is used every day by employees, improving their everyday Teamwork.

They saw many teams created in the organization, for departments (Sales Department), for recurrent collaborative tasks (Sales Proposal realization, Contracts management) or for specific projects (a team dedicated to Office 365 Ambassadors for example). For recurring projects, they noticed that users are creating a Team every time they needed to perform a new proposal writing or new opportunity management.


So, on one hand, Elior’s team wanted to help all these lines of businesses to achieve more with Microsoft Teams, to propose a more tailored experience, and on the other hand to better organize the creation of teams and to increase the Microsoft Teams governance.

Here comes SalesTim. With the solution SalesTim Automation, Salestim enables organizations with a Corporate Catalog of Microsoft Teams Business Solution (Teams Template) to address all the needs of business lines, while letting IT have differentiated governance given the template.

Elior’s team is using SalesTim Automation to enable a Corporate Catalog of Microsoft Teams Business Solution tailored for Elior’s needs. Today the US Sales Contract Teams is leveraging it to achieve more Teamwork every day. This particular Team is now provided with a ready to go Team tailored for New Opportunity Management with predefined channels, tabs and a Planner with many tasks configured to perform better their Teamwork. IT Team is very pleased to both serve better business and ensure better governance with a business-oriented naming convention.

Microsoft Teams is being adopted massively everywhere on the planet. At SalesTim we deeply believe that people will need more and more tailored experiences to achieve more in their everyday work. Microsoft Teams is definitely the right place for this goal.

We would like to thank Microsoft for supporting us on the journey and we’ll be back next year at Inspire with great successes to share :).



Spend less time managing Teams and more time collaborating
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